
Whether you're launching a new collection or seeking to enhance sales for a specific range, leverage product tag credits. Offer fixed or percentage credits on items with a particular tag to achieve your sales goals.

This credit rule is available for Growth and Established plan users only.

Steps to give product collection credits

  1. To set up credit on a specific product purchase, go to Premium tools > Loyalty & reward credit setup > Earning rules.

  1. Click Add ways to earn and select Specific product purchase.

  1. Add comment for this rule and change fixed or percentage credit values as required.

You can create multiple rules and reward customers with credit.

For instance, you can set $100 credits for products with tag ‘t-shirt’, and 50% credits of the cart value for products with tag 'watch’

Currently, we provide variant-specific credit where customers earn credit for each variant they purchase.

For example, if a T-shirt has two variants (red and black), customers can earn multiple credits: $200 for the red T-shirt and $350 for the black T-shirt..

To add a tag press 'Enter/return'

Add next tag in next line

Note: You can add a maximum of 5 tags in one rule.

  1. To implement the changes, simply click on Save from the save bar.

Note: If you want to configure notifications, please click on any of the notification checkboxes.

Credit for specific product purchase or collections rules will be enabled only when the status is Active.

Click here to learn how to add tags on a product.

For doubts related to product collection and credits please contact