
Product reviews serve as an organic means to establish consumer trust and enhance market authenticity. Encouraging customers to review your products through review credits can be a powerful method. 

Integrate with third-party review apps ( product reviews, Loox photo reviews, Ali reviews, Areviews, Photo Reviews & Testimonials) to transform these reviews into rewarding experiences for customers.

This feature is available for Business & Enterprise Plan users only.

Steps to give product review credits

  1. To set up product review credit, go to Premium tools > Loyalty & rewards setup > Earning rules. 

  1. Click Add ways to earn/Add earning rules and select product review rule.

  1. Add review credit value and comment in the earning value section. Moreover, you can limit the credits customers receive by adding credit and time limitations.

For example, In a rule without limitation, customers can earn $20 credit for each review. However, in a rule with limitations, customers can earn a maximum of $100 credit within a 5-day period for posting product reviews.

  1. To implement the changes, simply click on Save from the top right corner.

Note: If you want to configure notifications, please click on any of the notification checkboxes.

Important Notes

  • Review conditions vary across different apps. For product reviews to run smoothly, review the reward conditions specific to the related product review apps.

  • Product review rule will be enabled only when the status is Active.

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