1. General Overview

What is Flits Rewards Integration with Ginesys POS?

This integration allows merchants to help customers redeem their rewards in a physical store seamlessly using the Ginesys POS system. It facilitates the redemption process through a streamlined cashier workflow.

What is the key use case for this integration?

The main purpose is to enable customers to redeem their rewards earned online or offline in the physical store, ensuring a unified shopping experience.

2. Cashier Workflow

What steps should the cashier follow to redeem rewards?

The cashier should follow these steps:

  1. Sign into POS: Log in to the Ginesys POS system.

  2. Search Customer: Locate the customer by entering their mobile number.

  3. Tag Item: Search for the desired item by its name and select it to add to the cart.

  4. Tag Salesperson: Assign a salesperson to the transaction by:

    • Viewing the list of available salespersons.

    • Selecting the desired salesperson’s name.

    • Clicking "OK" to confirm the selection.

  5. Payment: Proceed to the payment process.

  6. Apply Loyalty Discount:

    • Send an OTP to the customer’s registered mobile number.

    • Enter the OTP received from the customer.

    • Redeem the rewards to apply the loyalty discount.

  7. Return to Payment Page: After applying the loyalty discount, return to the payment page.

  8. Select Payment Mode: Choose the mode of payment (cash, card, etc.) for the remaining balance.

  9. Save the Bill: Finalize the transaction by saving the bill.

3. Functional Details

How does customer lookup work?

The cashier searches for a customer by their mobile number, and the system displays their profile and reward balance.

How are items added to the cart?

The cashier searches for the item by name in the POS, selects it, and tags it to the transaction.

What is the purpose of tagging a salesperson?

Tagging a salesperson helps track the individual associated with the sale for reporting and performance purposes.

How is the loyalty discount applied?

The cashier triggers an OTP to the customer’s registered mobile number, enters the OTP, and redeems the rewards to apply the discount.

What happens after applying for the loyalty discount?

The system calculates the remaining payment balance, and the cashier selects the appropriate payment mode to complete the transaction.

4. Additional Questions

Do customers need to be pre-registered in the loyalty program?

There is no Pre-Registration required to Earn Rewards for new customers.

What happens if the OTP is incorrect?

The system will prompt the cashier to re-enter the correct OTP or resend it to the customer’s mobile number.

Can partial loyalty rewards be redeemed?

Yes, the system allows partial redemption based on the customer’s available reward balance and on the basis of the Redemption Rule set in the Flits Admin.

Video Link of Flits Reward Redemption on POS: Click here to watch the video

We advise you to get in touch with us via mail at support@getflits.com if you have any questions.