
Utilize the Flits - Simply Shipping Protection integration to address claims filed for Shipping damage by providing reward credit as a resolution.

Note: This integration is available only for Flits Business & Enterprise Plan users.

Steps to Integrate with Simply Shipping Protections

  • 1.) Go to Flits Admin > Integration > Locate Simply shipping protection.

  • To activate the integration, generate a request to Flits customer support by clicking on ‘Contact support’

  • This link will open a Flits support widget. In the ticket, request credentials (User ID and Token) to activate the integration.

  • 2.) Once you receive the credentials go to Simply shipping protection app. 

  • Install it if it is not installed

    3.) Navigate to the Integrations page from the top navigation

  • 4.) Locate Flits and click on Flits

  • 5.) A popup to add Integration credentials will appear, similar to the provided screen. Add integration credentials (User ID, Access Token).

  • 6.) Click the connect button to activate the integration.

  • Once the connection is established successfully, the status will be displayed as "connected" as shown in the following screen. 

  • How to set up fulfill claim with Flits?

  • After successful integration, settle claims filed against Shipping Protection as reward credi. Refund the claim as Store credit from the Fulfill claim popup, as shown in the provided screenshot.

  •  Click here to learn more about the claim fulfillment process.

  • The fulfilled claim credits will be visible in the My Credits section of the Customer account page.

Note: Please be aware that all conditions related to fulfilling a claim are managed by the Simply Shipping Protection app.

Feel free to reach out to us for credentials and understanding of the integration process via mail at