
If you are switching to a new app, as a merchant your first requirement is to transfer existing data and transfer/merge it with the new app. With Flits, you don't need to worry about your existing data. 

We offer you the functionality to import your existing data to our application.

In this article, we will discuss how you can import your existing Wishlist data with Flits Wishlist.

Steps for submitting a request to import your existing Wishlist data

  1. Generate a request on to import your existing Wishlist data.

  2. Our support team will guide you through the process of data merger.

Below are the requirements to import Wishlist data

  1. A list of existing wishlist products

  2. Arrange the wishlist products in a CSV format provided below

Example of CSV format: (Format is for illustrative purpose only) 

shopify customer id

customer email id

product handle



After creating the wishlist CSV file, follow the below steps.

  1. Send the CSV file to your assigned support executive.

  2. The executive will send your request further to the technical team.

  3. The technical team will merge that file with your current wishlist data.

  4. After the successful data merger, you will get an acknowledgement from our support executive to review your data. 

Note: Your merging request may take 24 hrs or more based on no of customers.

For assistance with the CSV file, contact us on