
In this article we will learn how to introduce a referral program to help acquire new customers and improve loyalty.

This referral rule is available for Growth and Established plan users only.


Create a win-win scenario by inspiring your loyal customers to participate in the referral program and get rewarded. Incentivise customers for extending a referral invite to family and friends and for creating an account utilising the provided referral link.

Steps to set up the referral rewards

  1. To set up a referral program, you need to create a sender and receiver credit earning rule. Go to Premium Tools > Loyalty & reward setup > Earning rules

  1. Let’s set the inviter's credit rule first.

  • Click Add ways to earn or Add referral rules and select the inviter's credit. 

  • Now, add credit value and comment in the earning value section.

  • Set up limitations by adding credit and time limitations. For example, you can limit  customers to avail maximum $100 credit in 5 days.

  • Check preferred sharing options, to offer various referral link sharing options.

Hint: Keep variable ##referee_customer## to display the receiver customer name in the credit comment.

  1. Now, let’s move to setting up the receiver's credit.

  • Click Add ways to earn or Add referral rules and select receiver’s credit. 

  • Now, add credit value and comment in the earning value section.

Hint: Keep variable ##referrer_customer## to display the sender customer name in the credit comment.

  1. To implement the changes, simply click on Save from the save bar.

Note: If you want to configure notifications, please click on any of the notification checkboxes of relevant rules.

For any help in setting up sender, receiver rules please connect with us at